ACCS Regional Teaching

Category: Training - Regional Teaching Programme

Date: February 12th 2019 9:00am until 3:45pm

Location: Horizon Centre, Torbay Hospital, Lowes Bridge, Torquay TQ2 7AA

Google map

ACCS Regional Teaching - 12th February 2019




0900 - 0915 Coffee and Registration

0915 - 1000 Delirium in the ED

1000 - 1045 Silver Trauma

1045 - 1100 Coffee and Break

1100 - 1145 TLOC in the Elderly

1145 - 1230 The Elderly patient and polypharmacy

1230 - 1330 Lunch

1330 - 1415 Safeguarding and NAI in the Elderly

1415 - 1545 Simulation with the Elderly Patient


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